Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve put together a collection of frequently asked questions for you to go through and hopefully get your questions answered. If you have any questions that are not listed here, feel free to call or text us at 689 285 2120. You can also send us an email at mark@sellmyhousefastinfl.com
1. Who Are “We Buy Your House Florida”?
We are Mark and Laura! We are the owners of “Sell My House Fast In FL”, a legitimate house-buying company in FI. However, we can’t do this all alone. James and Tina have joined our team to help with the home-buying process and ensure every homeowner is taken care of. Our team also consists of one of the FL’s top real estate agents (for when we aren’t your best option.)
Our “About Us” page will give you a better feel for our company and what we’re all about. Come check it out to get to know us better! We are fun, honest, and hard-working people who will do whatever it takes to reach your home sale goals.
Sell My House Fast In FL prides itself on customer satisfaction and credibility. We have many 5-star reviews/testimonials and are also expert resources for major media publications, including Homelight, Business.com, Yahoo Finance, LegalZoom… The list goes on!
2. What Do Cash Home Buyers Do?
We Buy Your House Florida offers cash for homes in Florida and can help you sell your Florida home. Any type, any condition, any size. That’s it! We’re the people to reach out to if you want to sell your house without dealing with agents and the traditional listing process. Even if time isn’t the issue, you might still like to sell your home without your neighbors knowing and without your house getting scoped out by everyone online.
3. Is a “We Buy Your House Florida” Company Right For Me?
Most of the sellers we’ve worked with in Florida were not in a rush to sell. Most just wanted to list their home without the hassles of the drawn-out, traditional agent process. Or, they didn’t want to deal with repairs, showings, open houses, cleaning, and the annoyances of fixing small details for a buyer.
Because we buy houses as-is, no matter the circumstance or condition, we offer a great option to sell quickly with simplicity.
Let us run you through the numbers and discuss how much we can offer you for your home. We’ll also guide you if listing with an agent would be more suitable. Ultimately, it doesn’t hurt to get an offer from Sell My House Fast In FL. All of our offers are without obligation and 100% free!
4. Will The We Buy Your House Florida Team Pay a Fair Price For My Property?
Great question! Yes, we definitely pay fair and honest prices for properties.
Recognize though that there is a difference between a fair price and “market value.” If the house is in need of updates or repairs then that value will be taken into consideration when we make our offer. Sometimes we are able to use “creative financing” to curate an offer that works better for both parties. Every time we make an offer we present all possible opportunities.
5. Will You List My House On The MLS?
No, we will not list your house on the MLS.
Our intention is to buy your house as-is and fix or update it to either sell for a profit or keep it as a rental. If we find out together that your situation is better suited for a real estate agent, we will recommend you to one of the top agents in FL.
6. Should I Just Be Listing My House With An Agent?
Honestly, we don’t know.. yet!
We would need to take a look at your house, situation, expectations and timeline to give you a realistic answer. We are always happy to provide you with our professional recommendation.
Many homeowners do not understand the advantages and disadvantages of listing their house on the MLS. This is something to consider before working with a real estate agent or selling your home by owner.
7. How Can “The We Buy Your House Florida” Team Serve All Of Florida With Only Two People?
Simple, we run a tight ship. Don’t be surprised if we answer your phone calls at 11pm or 5am! We work hard, and we’re here to serve you!
Over the years we have built up the cash, automated systems, and experience to make sure that selling your house to us is as simple as possible. We have built up our teams of attorneys, title companies, seo consultants, and management companies so we can spend the majority of our time focused on you. So it’s really not just the two of us!
8. Is There Any Obligation When I Submit My Info?
There are no obligations.
We completely understand that you have options. We know there are many people out there dedicated to scamming and yearning to take advantage of sellers’ situations.
To differentiate ourselves from the other options, we make sure that you understand there are no costs to you when getting your free offer. You have absolutely nothing to lose.
We’ll make our offer, and if you accept it, great! You’ll have an on-time closing and get paid quickly. If you do not accept our offer, we can assist in helping you determine the best solution for your home sale.